A group of band names (or vice versa)
- Vanilla Millionaires
- The Otto W. Lipsynchers
- Doublemeat Palace
- Percepto Girl
- Taco Night
- Gloopstick
- 5x5 (Five By Five)
[First number represents units of reception strength (The "S" scale). 2nd number subjectively quantifies signal clarity. Five by five is the best possible signal ratio. Do not confuse this with Signal to noise ratio. --M.W.]
- Percy Calls A Nerd
- adrenocorticotrophic*
- The Rand Corporation
- Middlesex Thinktank
- Braintree Teatime (If your band likes to get beat up by the PCP-addled bassist of a rival punk band)
- Abbo Lean
- Skunkworx (Or "Skunkwork Orange")
* Say "adreno-cortico-trophic" (hormone). Also called "corticotropin". Additional information on the role of ACTH in regulation of adrenal steroid secretion is presented in the sections on the adrenal gland and glucocorticoids. This is vital to the naming of your band.