HOORAY! "My Band Names" Turns One Year Old!!!
This blog is officially one year old and shows no signs of stopping!
My psychiatrist is especially distressed about this. Also my mom and most of my friends.
No sane person should have this many band names in them.
Anyway, the One Year Anniversary voting is suspended (I must remember to disable the voting option...). The winner? "You Can Do 50 Band Names In One Sitting" slightly beat "Please Close Down this Website".
I still intend on uploading graphs of the stats, but the totals go like this:
- 898 total votes
- 564 unique voters
- 334 voters who did it Chicago-style and voted more than once
- 78 votes for "You can create up to 23 band names a day"
- 55 votes for "You can do 37 band names, you freak"
- 373 votes for "None. Please Shut Down This Website" (the winner of repeat voters!)
- 329 votes for "50! You're a total band name stud"
So we had a band name bullpen session and these are the results. Once I get some media space I will post audio (and possibly video) to prove that these were all made up free of assistance within only a couple minutes. Scary!
These band names were transcribed from the video tape of that session. Enjoy! They are my one year gift to you! If we are still here, serving your band name needs a quarter century from now. . . --it will be pretty sad.
- Pointwise
- Danish Frosting Fantasy
- Serious Camber
- Porn Bucket
- Flabbergastic Pie Ensemble
- Caribou Tabu
- Go Polite
- My Darling Airport
- Cum Macro
- Guillwort
- The Furious Sparrows
- My Aunt Wears the Pants
- Quicken Thicken
- Grout Penetrator
- Hose-Spray Rainbow
- Gymnosperm
- Downright Bergman
- Dear Washy
- Blink Incident
- Extoller
- Latex Hump
- Excess Shortage
- Worsted Woolly Mammoth
- Vivid Eunuch Piefight
- Incapacitated Network Anchormen
- Super Progenitor
- Acrid Rat Union
- 50ยข Pieces for My Nieces
- Ribald Chenille
- Ugly Eden
- Immortal Assignment
- Immodest Pidgin
- Rufus Pimps for Pants
- Piddle
- Strip Hangmen
- Dickie Carbide
- Edsel Easel
- Fertile Falafel
- Loofah Luftwaffe
- Acey-Deecey
- A Blinding Rainstorm
- Messy Newcomer
- Retarded Clones
- Hairydust
- Velocity Curve
- Electric Dentures
- Tooligans
- Spank Banker
- Volcanic Nosebleed
- The Jerry Springer Choral
- PMS Prediction Network
- Indecently Voluminous Prolific Band Name Prodigy
By my count, the tally is like 52 names., so I think my live on-air host got it wrong somewhere. I have not checked these for duplicates, so there may be some.
Wait til you hear the recording of this session. It's horrifying!