

Why am I hated by Queued?

Hey, remember Tony and the Guitar of Excellence? He wrote me quite a while ago with a mp3 that he had produced on THE guitar. Been meaning to get it posted here. Great sounding track, Tony. Sorry about the delay.

Give me until the end of the week and I'll finish the JavaScript to play the song here in Blogger without giving your browser a seizure. Like the Weird Al lyric goes, "I'm fluent in JavaScript as well as Klingon."

Your Band Names for Today are:

To get you in the Halloween mood, check out this month's free "Patch of the Month". Although I realize you have absolutely no use for software for a mid-80's digital wave synthesizer, the patch this month is very Halloween-y, so go to the site and listen to it in the player.

*Check out Change Ringing. Math and music go together.

An excellent assortment of band names!
Thanks. Chlorine Pellets gave me pause. I was thinking maybe just "Chlorine" instead.
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