

A Remote for Movie Theaters

USA Today has a story that Regal Cinemas are placing small remotes into theaters to allow patrons to complain about problems and report noisy cell phones and so forth.

I might add that it also needs a thumbs up/thumbs down button so that I can inform advertisers how much I enjoy their commercials before the film.

The thing that totally cracks me up about the remote is that there is a prominent button marked PIRACY.

Yeah, I imagine it's there to let you snitch on people Canadians with camcorders, but I envision using it to comment on the films themselves.

For example. Go see the latest Pirates of the Caribbean flick, and lean on that button every time you see a pirate. "PIRATES! THERE'S ONE!" click-click-click. Oh no! MORE piracy!!! Click-click-click. "this film is wall-to-wall PIRACY!" People in the entertainment business have a great sense of humor. They would LOVE this kind of thing.

Or what about the standard industry piracy that has occured since Hollywood began? Go to see "Disturbia", which rips off "Rear Window". --Press the button. "The Core", which my friend Kyle called "Reverse Armageddon" --Push the button. Any Sports Movie--since they are all the same--Push the button.

Now that I think about it...the movie theater remote could mean the end of the film industry as we know it.

Or maybe the beginning of something more creative.

Check out the original story at USA Today.

I might add that it also needs a thumbs up/thumbs down button so that I can inform advertisers how much I enjoy their commercials before the film.

Amen to that, brother.
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