


My mailbox is quite literally filling up today with folks reporting the passing of movie voice-over giant Don LaFontaine.

Many of you know I do voice-overs (in fact my most recent movie credit was "The Voice"). I've always prided myself on what people assure me is a dead on "LaFontaine Read". In fact, since the early 90's I've joked that if LaFontaine died I would get his job.

But of course, like everybody, I'm quite sad to see him gone. Far beyond being a ubiquitous voice, LaFontaine really invented a new way of selling movies and assembling trailers.

He is missed already. We will all have to get used to living--in a world--without Don LaFontaine.

Yeah, real bummer. He and Ernie "Saturday Night on the Love Boat" Anderson were my favorites. Real shame.
and Mark, not doubting you (because I've never heard you speak) but don't we all have a pretty good LaFontaine? Depending on the time of the day and or friends we're around.
Yeah, well my LaFontaine isn't as good as it was in college. Goodnight folks!
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