
Mark Wynkoop is a man of many moods and many lethal karate moves, which he formulated on a ski weekend in Paradox Colorado. He was born to string words together and slip them inside your sexy brain.

What I'm Listening to:
When You See (Those Flying Saucers) - The Buchanan Brothers

What I'm Thinking:
Many aspiring writers take the injunction to "write what you know" entirely too seriously, resulting in numerous bad novels about English professors contemplating adultery.

What I'm Quoting:
"Vagueness is at times necessary and mystery is never in short supply, but I dont think they're anything to worship. Genuine science and mathematical precision are more intriguing than are the "facts" published in supermarket tabloids or romantic innumeracy which fosters credulity, stunts skepticism, and dulls one to real imponderables."
--Innumeracy: Mathematical Illiteracy and Its Consequences
John Allen

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